Meet the Swiggers

Jess H

Jess H

Journalist, The Daily Swig


I started my journalism career at the age of 18, after deciding to follow in the footsteps of my dad - who is also in journalism. After a stint in London reporting for national newspapers, including the Daily Mirror, I moved back up to the motherland, aka Manchester. When the job at The Daily Swig came up, I jumped at the chance - I interviewed for the role on a Monday and started four days later! I've been here for around two years now, if you discount a six-month career break, and in that time The Daily Swig has exploded. We've gone from a team of one, to a well-respected publication in the cybersecurity space. Aside from journalism, I sometimes teach copy-editing as a guest lecturer at the University of Central Lancashire.

If you could have lunch with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be?

Michelle Obama. She's a huge inspiration to me and I think she'd make a genuinely great brunch date.

Who would play you in the film adaptation of your life?

I'd like to say a young Elizabeth Taylor, but my family would probably argue that I'm more of a Helena Bonham Carter. Basically anyone with big hair.

What do you think makes PortSwigger different?

The sense of community and belonging - it's unlike anywhere else. I've never felt as valued as an employee anywhere as I do here.

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